G. Zhen

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Pages: 197-210

With the fast growth of the transaction volume of e-commerce, the efficiency of logistics distribution has become an important factor affecting the economic benefits of related industries. To improve logistics efficiency and increase economic benefits, field scholars’ research focus has turned to the overall efficiency of the e-commerce logistics network under the new mode of "freight + operation". For this purpose, this paper constructed an e-commerce logistics distribution network based on the highway service areas (HSAs) and optimized it with an improved genetic algorithm (GA). First, the paper gave an analysis on the process of e-commerce logistics distribution of HSAs and studied the problems of the site selection of multi-level HSAs and the path planning of e-commerce logistics distribution. Then, based on the fuzzy processing of consumer demand and the arrival time of logistics vehicles, a logistics distribution network model was constructed and optimized with the improved GA. At last, the stability and effectiveness of the model and the algorithm were verified by experimental results.
Keywords: highway service area (HSA); e-commerce; logistics distribution network

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