Y.B. Han, Z.L. Shang

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Pages: 95-104

Aiming at the problems of poor balance and low distribution accuracy in public transport network traffic distribution, a method of public transport network traffic balanced distribution in the environment of Internet of vehicles is designed. Collect vehicle time distance, intersection flow and other data through vehicle networking technology, and preprocess the data with the help of normalization method. Calculate the load of the intersection of the set section, and construct the set of total load sections through the decision tree. With the help of Kalman filter model, the observation state of flow data is determined, and the minimum mean error is used to calculate the estimated value to be allocated, so as to construct the flow equilibrium allocation model, and input the data to be allocated into the model to complete the flow equilibrium allocation. The experimental results show that the proposed method has good equilibrium and high allocation accuracy.
Keywords: internet of vehicles; public transport network flow; balanced distribution; normalization method; flow load

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