H. Wang

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Pages: 3-14

Road traffic operation safety is an important part of the road traffic system, and is also one of the topics of great concern in the world. Road traffic safety management has been highly valued by all countries in the world, and road traffic safety evaluation as road traffic safety management is particularly important. This paper proposes a road traffic operation risk identification method considering traffic conflict. Firstly, traffic conflict mechanism is analyzed, and the distance collision time, the time after occupation and the anti-collision deceleration are determined as traffic conflict indicators; Then, the traffic conflict frequency prediction model is built according to the traffic conflict indicators; Finally, according to the traffic conflict rate of the prediction model, the maximum membership method is used to identify the risk of road traffic operation safety, estimate the probability of risk occurrence, divide the risk level. The simulation results show that the method has better accuracy and shorter identification time for road traffic operation safety risk identification.
Keywords: traffic conflict; road traffic; operation safety; risk identification

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