P. Su

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Pages: 39-50

Urban rail transit is characterized by large traffic volume, fast speed, safety, punctuality, environmental protection, energy conservation and land use. Giving priority to the development of urban public transport system with rail transit as the backbone has become the consensus of transport development in all countries. In order to optimize the economic benefits of the urban rail transit network route planning, the paper proposes the urban rail transit network route planning considering the characteristics of peak traffic flow. Firstly, the stable state of passenger flow is divided according to the response type of passenger flow to the peak traffic flow state; Secondly, based on the passenger flow response probability, a route planning model aiming at maximizing passenger flow and minimizing operating costs is established; Finally, the model is solved by multi-level simplified search algorithm, and the optimal planning scheme is obtained. Case study shows that the route planning designed by this method can effectively enhance economic benefits.
Keywords: peak traffic flow; urban rail transit; traffic network; route planning

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