Y.H. Li, S.K. Xing

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Pages: 11-16

The investment in highway construction not only promotes the development of China's transportation industry, but also achieves a far-reaching significance to China's economy and society. In this paper, we present a highway-maintenance evaluation system (HMES) during the project lifecycle in highway construction, and the decision-making model for the highway maintenance. The HMES contains three parts including the acceptance list of highway safeguard, the selection and evaluation of highway security scheme, and the analyses and evaluation of safeguard project, which based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Also two kinds of grades decision-making models of maintenance management were established, which are the project-grade and the network-level respectively, through the estimation and benefit analysis of different management schemes. The results of case analysis show that the decision-making model can improve highway maintenance effectively.
Keywords: highway construction project; maintenance; decision-making model

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