M. Pan, L.D. Niu

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Pages: 3-14

The existing methods for regulating urban and rural traffic track routes have problems of poor vehicle operating order, long delays, poor control effects, low safety and long regulation time. An route regulation method for urban and rural traffic track based on GIS technology is proposed. Firstly, urban and rural traffic tracks are discretized to adjust the flow of urban and rural traffic tracks and eliminate vehicle conflicts; secondly, the characteristics of typical routing algorithms of METALINE and ALINEA for urban and rural traffic track are explained; Finally, on the basis of calculating the traction and running resistance of vehicles, the traffic flow discrete model of the traffic track route is constructed to complete the route regulation of urban and rural traffic track. The experimental results show that the proposed method has better vehicle operating order, lower long delay rate, higher safety and higher passenger satisfaction.
Keywords: GIS; urban and rural traffic track; route regulation; ALINEA; METALINE; discrete model of traffic flow

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