R. Sahani, P.K. Bhuyan

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Pages: 61-74

In developing countries, many intersections are un-signalized as they do not satisfy the warrant for the signal installation. Due to the heterogeneity in traffic, one cannot cross or merge into the traffic easily. In India situation is more complicated as pedestrian and driver do not follow traffic rules strictly. Considering the Indian scenario, pedestrian crossing behavior using gap acceptance parameters is not that prevailed. In this regards the present study attempted to explore various parameters affecting perceived satisfaction level of crossing pedestrians at un-signalized intersections. Observation shows that satisfaction level of pedestrians significantly depends on volume of motorized and non-motorized vehicles, volume of pedestrians and crossing delay at the intersections. Crossing behaviour of pedestrians was analysed to estimate the critical gaps (the actual gap pedestrian need to cross) by applying equilibrium probability method. To evaluate pedestrian delay at crossings, estimated critical gaps, number of interacting vehicles and crosswalk length are taken into considerations. Using various significant parameters as independent variables and pedestrian real-time perceived satisfaction ratings as the dependent variable Pedestrian Level of Service (PLOS) model has been developed. In this study, the PLOS model using ridge regression technique gives more compatible result than other existing models. From the analysis, minimum critical gap of 3.93 seconds shows that pedestrians have to take higher risk when drivers do not give sufficient opportunity to cross. Results indicate that, with delay value of less than 15 seconds, PLOS score ≤1.5 represents PLOS ‘A’ category and delay more than 60 seconds provides score value of >5.5 that represents PLOS ‘F’ category. As the study used a wide range of data and validation shows the significance of the models, therefore, the proposed model has remarkable potential for wide application in defining service levels for un-signalized pedestrian facilities in developing countries having heterogeneous traffic flow condition.
Keywords: un-signalized intersection; critical gap; pedestrian delay; pedestrian Level of Service

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