J. Luo, B.C. Lu, J. Hong

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Pages: 41-50

Traditional vehicle safety distance control method has the problem of poor braking effect. A critical safety distance control method based on psychological characteristics is proposed. The driver's face image is collected by infrared camera, the eyes are located and tracked, the characteristic parameters are identified, and the driver's mental state and fatigue degree are judged. Combined with the driver's psychological feature extraction and vehicle braking process, the mathematical model of critical safe distance of vehicle is constructed. After individually identifying whether each index exceeds the threshold value or not, the corresponding safety state is obtained according to the safety degree mathematical model, and different forms of early warning are carried out according to the state, which is transmitted to the driver in the form of voice broadcast. The experimental results show that the braking effect is good, the braking stability is close to 1, and the control effect is good.
Keywords: psychological characteristics; driving vehicles; critical safety distance; control

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