S.Q. Liu

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Pages: 87-96

Road network capacity is an important parameter reflecting the traffic capacity of road network. This paper presents a method to calculate the capacity of urban road network based on path selection preference. Firstly, a single lane optimal capacity model is established to calculate the saturation flow rate of urban road network under ideal conditions; Secondly, by analyzing the influence of lane width and the proportion of large and medium-sized vehicles on Lane saturation flow rate, the calculation formula of saturation flow rate is improved; Finally, the saturation flow rate of urban road network when vehicles change lanes is calculated, and the capacity of urban road network is calculated according to the vehicle route selection preference. The experimental results show that the road traffic allocation throughput is as high as 153.642kbit, and the capacity calculation time is 5.9s. This method has high efficiency in road network capacity calculation.
Keywords: road traffic distribution; path selection preference; saturation flow rate; network capacity

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