C. Wang, R. Guo

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Pages: 153-160

In order to improve the research accuracy of the impact of road conditions on traffic accidents, a new modeling method of the impact of road conditions on traffic accidents based on fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly, divide the congestion state of the road section, construct the road condition matrix of the sub road section, and collect the road condition data. Secondly, the clustering objective function is constructed and the constraints are set to complete the clustering of traffic accident data. Finally, build the impact model of road conditions on traffic accidents, take the road conditions data and traffic accident data as the input data of the model, and the output of the model is the impact score to complete the research on the impact of road conditions on traffic accidents. The experimental results show that the accuracy of this model is significantly improved, up to 99.5%.
Keywords: fuzzy clustering algorithm; road conditions; traffic accident; impact model

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