B. Yan, Q. Zhou, R. Luo
Pages: 3-8
To analyze the security and stability of complex transportation network, this paper developed the average edge betweenness to assess vulnerability of complex transportation network and find out key factors in complex transportation network. A new normalized average edge betweenness and multi-scale average edge betweenness were introduced to analyze the structural vulnerability of complex transportation network. An air transportation network with 160 destinations and 1270 lines was selected. In accord with analysis, the structural vulnerability of this transportation network is 0.1291 based on normalized average edge betweenness and the most critical factor is the vertex 82, whose friability is 0.01323. The multi-scale average edge betweenness was used to compare friability of vertices which had the same normalized average edge betweenness.
Keywords: vulnerability; transportation network; average edge betweenness; multi-scale average edge betweenness