A.H. Alomari, T.S. Khedaywi, H.I. Shdooh

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Pages: 147-164

This paper explored pedestrians’ crossing behaviors at signalized intersections and investigated how various factors influence pedestrian compliance with traffic rules. A total of 2696 pedestrians were observed. Several statistical tests were used in the analysis. The results indicated that the average crossing speed of all pedestrians was 3.87 ft/sec. About 29.5% of pedestrians appeared to adhere to traffic signals and crossed the street within the marked crosswalk. In contrast, 70.5% of pedestrians were not committed to traffic rules while crossing. The manner of crossing (walking or running), gender, and group size were the most significant factors affecting pedestrian walking speed. Also, pedestrian age and the probability of interaction with vehicles were slightly impacted pedestrian speed. Jaywalking of traffic signals and crossing outside footpaths were associated with the type of crossing (single or two-stage crossing), waiting time, and whether or not the pedestrians crossed using adequate gaps between vehicles. This study's findings present further perception of pedestrian crossing behavior and their impact factors at signalized intersections.
Keywords: pedestrian; speed; compliance; pedestrian behavior; signalized intersections

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