J. Wu

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Pages: 45-54

Transportation planning refers to a series of actions to guide transportation in a planned way, that is, how planners propose various goals and how to put them into practice. Transportation planning can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. The broad sense of transportation planning includes the planning of transportation infrastructure construction and development, the planning of transportation organization and management, and the planning of production and operation. Transport planning in a narrow sense refers to the development planning of transport infrastructure construction. The traditional transportation planning method has the defects of long transportation time and high cost. This paper proposes a new method of transportation route planning and design based on strategy balanced allocation. First of all, with the support of the Internet of Vehicles architecture, traffic flow data is collected, and the traffic flow analysis of traffic routes is constructed using Poisson distribution model. Secondly, considering the factors such as alignment, capacity constraints and traffic congestion, the traffic flow is evenly distributed. Finally, according to the feature clustering results of the shortest transportation route, a transportation route planning model is constructed. The experimental results show that the new method of transportation route planning and design based on strategy balanced allocation can effectively shorten the transportation time and reduce the transportation cost.
Keywords: strategy balanced allocation; traffic roads; transportation route planning; feature clustering

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