Z.G. Mo, L.G. Mo

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Pages: 45-54

In order to study the pedestrian crossing behavior, a practical survey was conducted at a signalized intersection, with data regarding individual factors and traffic factors collected. Based on the basic analyses of data, a structural equation model (SEM) was built to explore the interactive causal relationship between the various factors and pedestrians crossing behavior. The results show that 1) individual factors can lead to a greater effect (0.67) on conformity while the traffic factors can produce a greater response (0.78) on pedestrians’ safety perception; 2) there was a synergistic effect of the conformity and safety perception on pedestrians’ crossing timing and violation behavior; and 3) traffic conditions, related with pedestrians’ perception of travel safety, dominated the pedestrians’ consideration while crossing.

Keywords: pedestrian crossing behavior; traffic survey; Structural Equation Model (SEM); crossing safety; conformity

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